Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Loving Memory

of Custard.

Rest well.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Where boys look like girls, and girls look like Barbies.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rise and Shine

"Burning bright sunlight spills, spreads, through the wilted folds of morning shade. Its fierce warmth soaks the clouds with glowing colour; patient stains of red and gold that melt together into the bruise-backed sky."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

An Encouraging Thought

Aim for the stars, because if you miss, you will probably be incinerated upon re-entry.

Or, you know, suffocate horribly in the black vacuum of space.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Some Pointless Prose

"An idle hour measures out slow brilliance and shadow on the grassed soil. The softening sun's glare leaks yellow warmth that is shallow, yet rich, still."

Monday, April 16, 2007

i'm It! yayy

1) i pick at wounds, opening them them again. i think i enjoy the pain somehow. stop looking at me like that.

2) i still have a bear.*grin*

3) i have three different types of writing, and i switch between them.

4) i have a really high forehead.

5) i once pushed another boy off a jungle gym. he survived.

6) i went headfirst down a slide when i was five; smashed out my two front teeth, then swallowed them.

7) i had corrective surgery on my eyes when i was ten. i walked around with stitches all along my eyelids for two weeks.

8) i hate cherries.

9) i used to watch Batman, the Animated Series with religious fervor.

10) this is the first time i've ever written a tag so, be flattered, jared. be very flattered.
Ms. C said this today.

"Intercourse... --just another four letter word ending with a k, innit?"

*cue nervous laughter*

it's "talk", people, "talk". i'm channeling Ms.C anyway, so.. ahem,"get your minds out of the gutter, children". heh. ah, yes, lit students -- past and present. what lives we lead. exciting, frenetic affairs, full of drama -- shakespeare's, mostly.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Valentines, Lately.

In the spirit of awkward, underage romance (in short, Valentines), here's an interesting, if slightly disturbing cbox conversation I had with Jared. In my defense, I was sorely provoked. By provoked, I mean I was harassed constantly, about my (alleged) romantic liaisons with Denise, Shu Xian, The Rest Of The Female Race, ad nauseam. Jared's very possessive. Aren't you, Jared?

aaron: No, no, Jared. You're my girl. *grin* and a very pretty one too.

jared: Hey...I thought I told you. It's OVER!! I forgave you when you messed around with Shu xian...but Denise? That's too much. It's OVER!

aaron: Look, I said I'm sorry, Jared! Nothing else happened..I swear, they didn't mean ANYTHING to me..! It's just that--when you left me... I -- I was so confused-- I didn't know where else to turn!

aaron: Please Jared, take me back... I promise, things'll be different this time.

jared: Sorry Aaron, it's just that I'd choose Hermione over you now.

I think I just broke down at this point. i don't know, everything dissolved into a blurry, tear-filled haze.